
Chaereen (shur-EEN) is a Korean American creative, currently based in Los Angeles. She is building all things brand at Great Jones and co-founder of Persimmon Coffee. She previously led the design team at Clove and started her career in social media at Urban Outfitters.

She received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and is currently pursuing a Master of Design in Brand Design and Strategy at ArtCenter College of Design.

Full résumé available upon request.

Photo by Matt Hardy


Enter Eden—helping humans overcome burnout and experience soul-level serenity by bringing them home to a forgotten, core experience of being human: immersion in nature. Our holistic solution provides moments of calm with a focus on inventiveness and transcendence, making access to the wonders of nature easy and efficacious.

Our vision is to simultaneously address two rapidly growing markets: immersive technology and holistic wellness. Our preferred futures scenario is projected for 2034 and aims to reshape the mental health and productivity of corporate workers in the U.S. and beyond.

Brand Identity, Strategy, Futures Mapping
This is a future brand proposal project that was completed with Sarah Funderburg and Rhys Benham under the guidance of James Chu.

ArtCenter College of Design
Course: Branding Futures


The HQ mothership room. Holds beta testing and launch events.

The standard workplace room, installable in your corporate office. Biocustom, advanced option available with a wearable that measures personal metrics.

The basic, portable experience. Rentable showrooms and pop-ups.

Images are AI-generated.


Problem Statements
Key Change Drivers
Framing Questions
Futures Cone
Brand Attributes
Value Propositions
Final Designs
B2B Model and Roadmap
User Personas and Takeaways
Brand Guidelines

Designed with ♥️ by Chaereen Pak