
Chaereen (shur-EEN) is a Korean American creative, currently based in Los Angeles. She is building all things brand at Great Jones and co-founder of Persimmon Coffee. She previously led the design team at Clove and started her career in social media at Urban Outfitters.

She received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and is currently pursuing a Master of Design in Brand Design and Strategy at ArtCenter College of Design.

Full résumé available upon request.

Photo by Noah Fecks

Great Jones

A joyful cookware brand that wants to make your kitchen your happy place. I concept and execute brand and product launch campaigns that stretch across paid advertising, retention marketing, brand and creator collaborations, and social.

Brand Identity, Brand Partnerships, Campaign Development, Copy, Design Direction, Influencer Marketing, Social Strategy 
Branding Pentagram
Photography Noah Fecks, Henry Hargreaves
Motion/Video Henry Hargreaves, Faki Malik

Designed with ♥️ by Chaereen Pak