
Chaereen (shur-EEN) is a Korean American creative, currently based in Los Angeles. She is building all things brand at Great Jones and co-founder of Persimmon Coffee. She previously led the design team at Clove and started her career in social media at Urban Outfitters.

She received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and is currently pursuing a Master of Design in Brand Design and Strategy at ArtCenter College of Design.

Full résumé available upon request.



The birthplace of America and the sixth largest city in the country.  Philadelphia (or Philly, or Phila) is a colorful, joyful, and spirited place. It’s known for its exceptional history, rich culture, architectural beauty, esteemed institutions, incredible walkability, and most importantly, passionate people.

How can we rebrand the city in a way that more accurately reflects the gritty, illuminating, and exuberant values of Philly?
Brand Identity, Brand Strategy
This is a rebrand proposal project that was completed under the guidance of Rodrigo Castañeda, Charles Lin, and Liisa Puolakka.

ArtCenter College of Design
Course: Branding Studio 2

Logo Mark

Philadelphia’s name is derived from the Greek phílos and adelphós, meaning brotherly love. The average Philadelphian eats 12 times more pretzels than the average American—you can say that it’s become somewhat of an icon. The word pretzel also comes from the Latin bracelle, meaning little arms. This logo mark encapsulates all of these elements, and it symbolizes the deep community that is the foundation of this city.


City Identification Cards
Mobile App
OOH Campaign

Designed with ♥️ by Chaereen Pak